Convert text to stories

Our AI helps to detect entities and create stories out of text, referencing the original text.

Step 1: Text Analysis and Division into Epics

The intended workflow in starts with an analysis of any kind of description of the target product, usually delivered by a customer. The wizard arranges your original requirements text into a structured format by creating topics, known as 'epics'. Each original sentence is linked to a related epic, creating a clear structure.

Step 2: User Validation and Synonym Identification

The second step addresses sentence utilization. proposes user stories out of the original sentences and proposes the assignment of original sentences to the corresponding stories. This step ensures thorough consideration of every sentence from the customer's description, thus not missing valuable information.

Step 3: Sentence Utilization

As a third step, the sentences of the original text that have not been used in the story generation process before, are now analysed manually. allows to either assign stories to these sentences or not; in any case, those sentences are stored to be used later or to be finally dismissed. This step ensures that every sentence of the customers description is considered and no valuable information is missing.

Maintaining Traceability Efficiently

Among the key features of the wizard is its effective traceability. The wizard's process allows for tracking the origin of a requirement back to the original sentence, which simplifies the understanding of how a requirement was derived. The wizard proposes traceability, making the acceptance process quick and effortless.

With just a few semi-automated steps, we created a structure. Using this structure, we can do anything—export it as a DOCX/PDF file, import it into Jira or other project management tools, versionize, compare, and more. Check out our less-than-2-minute demo video or try it yourself—a basic account is free.

Watch demo (2 Min)

Free for small projects
is free for projects up to 100 stories